I have got the camera going at last. Left it out one night in the garden and had to dry it, and the case, off. After that it was willing to download the photos again so perhaps it had just needed a gentle bit of warmth. Don't we all.
I had an embarrassment of strawberries well before Christmas and got to the point of freezing them for smoothies, thus.
There is a moment when the strawberry season overlaps with the emergent raspberries and blackcurrants. Something about the blackcurrants brings out the sweetness in the others, no sugar required, delicious with cream. I recommend.
The family are getting a bit weary of tomato salad by now but it can't be helped. I have 7 different types of tomato; grew the heirloom package from Koanga (that was 5 types) plus a black cherry self-sown from last year, and 'Gardener's Delight' (top pick from Monty Don, long sprays of smallish red tomatoes).
The yellows have great flavour, plants strong and productive. Colour not good for pasta sauce though... the 3 yellows below.
Reds, black cherry is the 2cnd left, far right has a green stripe on red.
Gardener's delight is 2cnd right.
This is my brag shot. Big yellow beside a black cherry tomato for scale. One slice covers a piece of toast. Louis was home sick so we all had tomatoes on toast for morning tea and there was still 1/2 a tomato left.
I have saved seed and next year will probably grow about 5 of these. Top picks would be the yellow one with green stripes and the black cherry but why limit it to that.
I had a surfeit of apple cucumbers that nearly took over the glasshouse. I sensibly cut my losses early, not before harvesting about 50 of them, and pulled them out .
Put Lebanese cucumber in their place. This is the best cucumber, crispy, crunchy, and about 1/2 the size of a telegraph; its perfect for a meal in its entirety. The seeds are not obtrusive, it isn't watery.
I am having trouble adding that photo at the minute so will start with it next time; Its good just to get back on the page, adieu.
A pride of lions, a herd of cattle and an embarrassment of strawberries. A delightful edition to the lexicon of group nouns.
ReplyDeleteyes the problem with glut is that it is only a ton away from glutton and thats not an association anyone really wants.