Monday, December 3, 2012

Tunnel Vision

 To start with irrelevance, only a blogger knows the idle pleasure of dreaming up silly titles. No, it's a foible of newspaper editors also and with apologies to hairdressers, Salon names must also share the prize for nonsense.

To the task in hand, the tunnel house is being built at odd moments, after tea mostly; that's a benefit of the long evenings in the South and a reflection of the busyness of this time of year.  Some neighbours gave us the pipes with the as-yet hollow-promise of baking  still fresh in their memory no doubt, it had escaped mine until now.

The tunnel house is built to the existing concrete remnants of the glasshouse, which ought to have some passive solar benefit and certainly lend strength because the concrete has iron uprights embedded in it. We have decided to use Agthene to cover it and estimate 10 metres.
Watched a few tunnel houses go up on You tube in all of about 20 minutes.We have our own reality check unfolding slowly,  part of it is the challenge of integrating  recycled materials.

I couldn't wait and have already planted it out which has called for nimble side stepping. It has been cold and all the  warmth lovers are growing very slowly. In truth I am embarrassed to put up a photo until they look better but that's no way to edit a garden or record a life for that matter.  Will address that in the next post. Adios.
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  1. Goodness, it's much bigger than I imagined it. Remember the cups of tea in the old glasshouse? It was pretty lovely in there. I shall pencil in a cup of tea in the new tunnel house next time I'm down. The warmth lovers might be too small for a photo but that artichoke down the end there looks amazing.

    1. I haven't taken a photo since I put them in because they look so poorly but I have talked myself through it; life needs to be recorded and appreciated how it is now, not some later 'more attractive' vista at the end of the rainbow. You know, like buying clothes that don't fit for when you lose a few pounds-that's a random example of course.
      We do reminisce about the glasshouse/conservatory days and I suspect there will be a few chairs on that concrete strip before long, consider yourself pencilled in.
      The artichokes look wonderful from our side with blue borage amongst them; I notice they look a bit ratty from the long suffering neighbours' side...
